Hand Controls for Automatic Lighting

Orientation lights for dark places

Nowadays lights that make dark areas safe to access are now available. These lights that are purposely installed in areas that are dark typically come on as soon as they sense any moving object within a reasonable distance. This type of light that tends to come on this way is called orientation light.

Automatic lighting in dark areas

The light has an LED that is integrated with it. If the need arises, the room which is entirely dark can be made to be lit without the switch being touched by a movement of an object from a distance of about 5cm.

This motion detector has working range of 360 degrees and it has numerous features and functions. If it senses any movement, it is turned on. It can as well be used as a twilight switch. The light comes with a remote control with an Infra red function.

Smart lights with the hand control function

Smart lighting is an automated lighting that can be controlled with the use of personalized buttons that can be hand controlled. Lights that are located in distinct rooms can be either switched on or switched off just by clapping the hands or by tapping.

If there is a home theatre in your home, you can illuminate the home theatre with lights as soon as you hand press the pause button and the lights can go off automatically if there is no one in the room.

Security feature of the hand controlled lights.

Especially in times that you are not in the house the lights can be alternated to make it seem as though there is someone in the building. The smart lighting can be made to work in just a single room or the whole house. Wireless lighting that are hand controlled adds some level of sophistication with the pattern of sleek colours.


www.lutronlightingandshades.com, have several years of experience in the installation and sales of efficient and elegant solutions for smart lighting. They have available smart light systems at can be hand controlled for luxury houses, hotels, commercial buildings, businesses, schools, universities as well as lights for outdoor purposes.